Looking for a good book to read?

Looking for a good book to read? You found the right place! I love Young Adult Literature and love recommending interesting titles to my students even more. This blog will recommend titles of YA Literature that I have recently read and want others to discover as well. Enjoy! Under each post is the "Comment" option. Feel free to share your opinions about each of the books so that other students can read your opinions as well.

You might have noticed the recent makeover each of the posts got. I rearranged the posts so that the summaries are hidden. If you are curious about a book and want to know more about it, click on "Read more >>", the summaries are hidden there for more information. Have fun!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Th!rteen R3asons Why

Title: Thirteen Reasons Why
Author: Jay Asher
Genre: Contemporary Realistic Fiction

This was a student recommendation but I don't know who!  Someone mentioned it in the Guest Book (at the bottom of the page).  This book was always lingering toward the top of my Want To Read list and when I saw a student recommended it, I ordered from the library right away.  I am so glad one of you mentioned it.  I liked this book so much I read it in 2 days flat, ordered it for my classroom library, and gave it to my favorite reader (my mom) to check out.  So thank you whoever you are!  Keep those recommendations coming!

You will like this book if:
  • You are worried about the social pressures (rumors, partying, etc.) that come up with students in middle school and high school.
  • You like books that make you think about your own life.
  • You want to read a book that you will discuss with others when you finish it.
  • You like scavenger hunts or books that don't tie all details together until the end.
  • You want a book that you can't put down or that you immediately want to re-read to make sure you didn't miss anything.
  • You liked reading Before I Fall; there are many similar themes.
You will not like this book if:
  • You prefer books that are upbeat and happy.
  • You are offended by mature content in novels.
  • You like books that have fantasy or action.
  • You can't see your own role in the natural drama that occurs in schools.
Fun Fact #1:  I have so much to say about this book.  I want to discuss it with everyone that reads it!  My sister is a school counselor and I am going to make her read it immediately because I want to hear her input about student suicide.  I want to create a chart that traces the actions of all the characters.  I want to re-read the book to make sure I understand it more clearly.  It has been sometime since I have read a book that I have wanted to interact with so much.  It is refreshing.

Summary: Hannah Baker committed suicide.  Suicide seems like such an isolated death, one in which no one else is involved.  That is how Clay feels until the 7 cassette tapes show up in an unmarked box at his front door.  As he listens to them, he realizes that they are part suicide letter, part advice, and part eulogy.  As Clay traces the thirteen reasons (and people) that drove Hannah to end her life, he realizes that even the smallest of actions can create a chain reaction and connect people in terrible ways forever.  What role did he play in someone wanting to kill themselves?  This novel raises important questions about gossip, social pressure, friendship, romance, and bullying.  This novel has a way of hitting on the problems that all students can see as they walk down the hall in their own school.  This book contains mature content.

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