Looking for a good book to read?

Looking for a good book to read? You found the right place! I love Young Adult Literature and love recommending interesting titles to my students even more. This blog will recommend titles of YA Literature that I have recently read and want others to discover as well. Enjoy! Under each post is the "Comment" option. Feel free to share your opinions about each of the books so that other students can read your opinions as well.

You might have noticed the recent makeover each of the posts got. I rearranged the posts so that the summaries are hidden. If you are curious about a book and want to know more about it, click on "Read more >>", the summaries are hidden there for more information. Have fun!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

My Favorite Band Does Not Exist

Title: My Favorite Band Does Not Exist
Author: Robert Jeschonek
Genre: Fantasy

You will like this book if:
  • You like to read novels that are told by two (or more) different characters at the same time.
  • You are patient when trying to solve puzzles.
  • You enjoy reading books that are not like anything else you have ever read.
  • You like when there are a lot of loose ends in books that are all neatly tied up at the end.
  • You have dreamed that you could be like characters you read about in books.
You will not like this book if:
  • Reading about about too many different characters confuses you.
  • You like books that are realistic.
  • You like to read books that have a consistent point of view, setting, and plot. 
  • You don't want to read anything overly complex.
Side comment:  Truthfully, the plot is very complex and pretty confusing.  I stuck it out through the first 50 pages, but I did consider throwing it over my shoulder.  I liked that it was completely different from anything I had ever read.  But would I recommend it to many of the Young Adult readers that I know?  Probably not.  Give it a go if you are feeling patient, bright, and open-minded.

Summary: There are 2 main characters, and they each take their own turn sharing their story: Idea Deity (a teenage runaway), and Reacher Mirage (a lead singer of a band).  Coincidentally, both boys are reading Fireskull's Revenant, an imaginary novel.  Idea believes that he suffers from Deity's Syndrome, a disorder in which an author is writing his life story and therefore has total control over Idea and his decisions.  Idea spends his free time making up a fake rock band, Youforia, and trying to get them to become not just viral, but famous.  Meanwhile, Reacher suffers from the worst disorder a lead singer can suffer from - stage fright.  And can you guess the name of Reacher's real band?  You guessed it...Youforia.  Throughout the novel, through many twists and turns you can only find in a fantasy novel, the way the boys are connected is finally revealed, and the boys disorders are ultimately "cured". 

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